Sunday, January 7, 2024

Church Camp

Church Camp is always one of my favorite times of the year. The older I get, the more I want to stay home and enjoy my own bed, but I always end up giving up my week to sleep in a musty cabin on a mattress that feels like a board, but it is always the best decision. i grow closer to God each year and to my kids. This year, Lofton chose to be a counselor; he had the middle school cabin. I am so proud of him; he had Logan in his cabin, and Lofton has more patience than anyone I know. He is so good with kids-- especially with Logan. I wish he would consider doing something with children for his future job. 

Our numbers were smaller this year, but the kids we had were awesome, and they were the kids who needed to be there. God is good; all the time. Our week was great. 


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