Saturday, May 9, 2009

Landon Screams for Icecream

One of the best things about summer most definetely has to be icecream, and though it is not officially summer yet, we have been indulging in the pleasures of summer. Yesterday, we drove through McDonalds and got icecream cones (Landon's favorite). We have to get icecream at the store, McDonalds, Sonic, or some other location other than the icecream man because Landon is terrified of the icrecream man, and I guess I don't blame him. Icecream "men" do have a common stereotype, but he isn't aware of it. I am not sure exactly what he is afraid of; I think it is the van that plays music box music. Anyways, when we drive thru somewhere to get icecream, there is no waiting until we get home, so instead of listening to him scream, I gave in and handed him his cone. Here is what happens when one gives an icecream cone to a child in his car seat.

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