Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dear Santa,

I had the boys write letters to Santa this year, even though Lofton told me that he would just tell Santa what he wants when he sat on his lap. However, Lofton really got into the letter writing and even drew Santa some pictures. Lofton was so proud of his pictures that he asked me to take a picture of his pictures.

Yes, Lofton asked for Coke, a rabbit, and a dog. I'm not sure which is the worst.

Landon wants cookies and candy as if he doesn't ever get any!


Samantha said...

Those are so cute, you will have to save them for when they are older. It is so funny the stuff kids come up with to ask for. It sounds like you will have a petting zoo at your house soon :)!

Joni said...

I would give them a 12 pack of coke and forget about the animals!