Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Day to Remember

Today, I took both boys with me to Opry Mills so that Lofton could go to Build a Bear to build Landon a dog for his birthday. Landon loves dogs and stuffed animals, so I thought it would be the perfect gift. I was right too because as soon as we walked in Build a Bear, Lofton chose a dog, and Landon got so excited. Lofton had a great time making the dog, and he named it Baker which just about broke my heart.

After building the dog, Lofton insisted on playing putt putt golf, which he somehow remembered was in the Opry Mills mall. I reluctantly took him, thinking that it would be disasterous, but it was actually an enjoyable time. Lofton is actually really good, and he breezed through 18 holes in about 15 minutes. He even almost made a hole in one, but when it came to his short game, he struggled, and it took about four more shots to get it in! It was precious to watch him play; he is such a big boy.

We ended the day with lunch at The Aquarium. Both boys ate well which isn't a surprise from Landon, but Lofton actually ate three popcorn shrimp. Of course, when I told him that was what we had fed the Stingrays earlier, he about gagged, but he still thought it was funny. Before leaving the mall, I again let him feed the Stingrays on the way out (we did feed them before going to Build a Bear. I think this was both boys' favorite part of the day. Landon cackled when the Stingray splashed them both. Lofton laughed too after he realized that he hadn't been stung. It was a day that I will cherish forever.


Amy Griffin said...

hey, that does look fun. You managed to pack alot in that day! I am sure Landon will love his dog.

Samantha said...

I can't get over how much Landon looks like Phillip. Sounds like you guys had so much fun and Lofton is getting so big. Hope to see you guys soon.

Joni said...

I love Opry Mills! It is such a fun place. And both of your boys are getting so big!