Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lofton

Lofton turned five on Friday, June 19th, and we celebrated by having him an Indiana Jones themed party at our neighborhood clubhouse. Lofton was very vocal in the planning of the party by insisting that it was an all boys' party. I told him that I would also invite family, and that his cousins, aunts, grandmothers, and myself are girls. He was ok with it, so we proceeded with a family and boyfriends party. The kids had a great time. Pop Pop made them each an Indiana Jones bag in which they put the treasures that they found on their scavenger hunt. Before going on their hunt, they had to complete an obstacle course.

Although the obstacle course and scavenger hunt was a lot of fun, Lofton couldn't wait to open his presents. He got a lot of great things which included Transformers, Wii games, an Indiana Jones action set, money, a water slide, a light saber, books, his own tackle box full of fishing stuff, a fishing pole, and two frogs. Yeah, you read it right; Lofton received two frogs compliments of the Griffins. And, he loves them. They have taken up residence in our new frog themed bathroom. Hopefully, the frogs are both boys or both girls because two frogs are enough.

It was a great day! I can't believe our little boy is five years old.

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