Saturday, September 27, 2008

WHCA students have been volunteering their time at the Preschool this year, which means that my children benefit from this. On Friday, our school had its Spiritual Emphasis Day, and our 7-12 graders spent about 30 minutes in the preschool classes. Both young and old enjoy their time together; many of my students constantly ask when they are going to do it again. On Friday, my students helped Lofton's class with an art project; Kelsey Garner is making an imprint of his foot in the picture above. Some other of my students played on the playground with Landon's class. I couldn't go outside to see them because Landon would cry when I left. So, I had a student take some pictures of him for me. She told me that he was just doing his own thing, which doesn't surprise me.

1 comment:

Jana Thomas said...

That's cool about the kids volunteering at the preschool. Yea, I'm happy to have a blog started and that I have it figured out now mostly. It took me a while. Yea, we will be in town for Thanksgiving, so we'd love to see you! Just let me know when you're free.