Thursday, September 11, 2008

8 Reasons to Visit Nashville

Ok, so I just finished reading my October issue of Parents magazine, and the last article was titled "8 Reasons to Visit Nashville". Reason number seven states, "Of course, there's a theme park." Ok, so I have lived in Nashville for 12 years now, and I find it odd that the writers of this article state matter of factly that "of course" Nashville has a theme park. So, I ask my fellow Nashvillians, did you know this? I mean, I thought the only theme park was torn down to make room for our beloved Opry Mills. Well, it so happens that we still have a theme park called A Cowboy Town just ten minutes from downtown! Has anyone been? Let me know if it is worth the $46 adult admission!

1 comment:

Becky W said...

We almost went there over Labor Day weekend. My S-i-l found it and thought it would be fun. I have never been but like you would love to know if it would be a good way to spend a day (and the money!)