Saturday, September 13, 2008

Couch Potatoes

Those of you who know Lofton, know that he has always loved TV. He has been watching it since he would sit in his baby swing and watch Baby Einstein. When he was Landon's age, he was a big fan of Blue's Clues and The Wiggles. In fact, for his first birthday, he got a portable dvd player. However, Landon is much different. He has never shown interest in tv. I tried Baby Einstein when he was about 9 months, and he could have cared less. Since then, I have tried occasionally, and this summer while we were traveling I tried it in the car. I thought he might enjoy it since he had nothing better to do, but he apparently had better things to do. However, his teachers at the Growing Tree tell me that he likes Clifford and Baby Genius, so I recorded some Clifford episodes and bought a Baby Genius both of which he watched for about 5 minutes. But, in the past week, I have caught him enjoying Scooby Doo upstairs with his big brother. He actually sat and watched about fifteen minutes, but he did have a snack to keep his interest, too!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

They are too cute together.