Friday, January 29, 2010

Landon's Glasses

Landon went for his 6 month eye check up last week, and Dr. Donahue informed us that Landon needed to wear glasses. I was shocked; I wasn't expecting it even though I knew it was a possiblity. Everything since his surgery has been going so well and in our favor, that I just thought this check up would be the same. It has been hard for me to accept. I know that in the grand scheme of things it is not a big deal at all, and that he is a happy, healthy little boy, but I just "knew" that it would be hard to keep glasses on him and that he would look different. I told Lofton that he would have to help me talk them up to Landon and tell him how cool they are. Lofton then asked me, "Are glasses not cool, momma?"

Well, we picked the glasses up today, and again I was reminded that kids are handle things much better than adults. He put them on and has been wearing them since; he hasn't even tried to take them off. He also looks pretty darn cute in them. While we were walking around Walmart, we saw our friend Jeremiah. Jeremiah commented on how much he liked Landon's glasses and then Jeremiah took two of his own pair out of his pocket to show Landon. Landon just looked at him and said, "You need to wear them, Jeremiah." So, hopefully, this will be an easy three months. We go back in April to see if the glasses have helped or if Landon will need a second surgery. Please pray that he won't!


Samantha said...

AWWW, He looks super cute in them!! I pray that glasses will work and that he will not need more surgery.

Joni said...

He's a cutie. I hope they do their job.