Friday, January 29, 2010

Keeping Busy!

Days at home are great, but it is hard to keep Lofton off of the Wii. Yesterday, in an attempt to find something to do besides play video games, I pulled out crayons and coloring books, and to my surprise, we actually all colored for 15 minutes, which is something to blog about because I think it is the first time we've ever done it. Lofton doesn't like to color, but he enjoyed the mazes and dot to dots. Landon really liked coloring. He took his time and colored an entire page; the whole page is green, but he did a great job.

Then, at bathtime, Lofton decided to break out the goggles, which proved a good idea because they spent close to an hour playing in the tub. They were one big wrinkle when they got out, but that was one hour less on the Wii.

Seriously, I only let Lofton play a limited time a day, but I get tired of him saying, "I'm bored. There's nothing to do." I tell him I wish I had nothing to do.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Coloring is a great thing to do together, maybe the snow will give him plenty to do this weekend:) and you will not hear "I'm bored"