Monday, October 6, 2008


Last night we went with our friends the McAfees to the Shrine Circus. Phillip's dad and uncle are members of the Shrine, so they buy tickets every year. I have been taking Lofton to the circus since he was four months old. He loves it. Last year, I left Landon at home, and I thought about it this year, but I felt too guilty. I wasn't sure if he would be afraid, but he surprised me. He loved it. He clapped and danced. He did really well, and I am glad that we took him. The only time he got afraid was when Phillip sat him down beside a clown! I don't really blame him. Check out the picture of the clown; he is a little scary! We had a great time, and we will continue to make this an annual event since McConnell's Catering buys the tickets! ha ha


Samantha said...

I have never been to the circus but looking forward to taking Sarah. Can McConnell's get us tickets too? HAHA

Jana Thomas said...

Looks really fun... I'd love to take Brooks.