Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Lofton!

Well, after counting down from fifteen days out, Lofton finally turned four yesterday, June 19th. When he woke up, he was so excited and couldn't wait for the day's festivities to begin, so we started early with gifts from Landon and Mimi and a birthday muffin. Lofton also enjoyed his gifts from Landon- Spiderman swimming trunks and Spiderman water shooters when he drug me up to the pool. After a long swim, Lofton took a much needed nap to get ready for his Superhero party.

When he woke up from his nap, we only had an hour to kill, so he put on his Ironman costume and let me take a few pictures. When we got to the party, his friend Justin arrived first and went ahead and gave Lofton his present, which he opened- what a way to start a party. After playing with friends on the playground, I kicked off the party with a game that consisted of everyone tying a balloon to his or her ankle and then trying to pop others' balloons while keeping his or hers from being popped. Well, I should have consulted a preschool teacher before trying this because this game just led to tears! However, I redeemed myself with a game of hot potato, in which the kids passed around a glow stick (kryptonite); I am happy to say that there were no tears during this game. This game was followed by dinner, which is always a hit. Phillip again fixed a fabulous meal, and of course, we had too many leftovers. After cupcakes, the kids enjoyed a game of pin the logo on the superheroes, and then Lofton enjoyed opening his gifts. He received so many nice things most of which had to do with superheroes, so he couldn't have been happier. Thanks to everyone who came and helped celebrate Lofton's special day.


Joni said...

Reesi had a blast and I actually think the funniest part of the party was watching everyone cry when their balloons popped. It was probably only funny b/c surprisingly mine didn't cry, but we did have a great time.

Samantha said...

Happy Birthday Lofton! I can't believe he is 4 already. Looks like the party was a blast. Can't wait to see you guys! Thanks for the blogging tip.

Becky W said...

They grow up so fast!! He is precious!!

Amy Griffin said...

Ella and Jude had fun even if Jude was the main one crying....Happy Birthday Lofton!!