Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"First Soccer Practice"

Last Monday, I rushed home from school, fed the boys, got them dressed, and ran back out the door for Lofton's first soccer practice. When we got there, we spent thirty minutes walking around the fields in the cold looking for his team. He started getting really upset because he was so excited. So, I called Phillip to verify that I was right on the day and time. As soon as I said the word soccer, Phillip said, "Oh, the coach called and cancelled." You moms out there know what was going through my mind at that time. I got off the phone and told Lofton that practice was cancelled due to the cold, and that Daddy was in the dog house. Landon was all concerned that Phillip would get bit, but Lofton got what I was saying. When I tucked Lofton in bed that night, Phillip was still at work, and Lofton said, "When dad comes in, I'll tell him to go to the dog house." Of course, dog houses were not involved, but I am still planning my revenge.

1 comment:

Joni said...

Sounds like something Larry would do.