Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Soccer Game of the Season

Lofton didn't play soccer last spring, but this year he decided that he wanted to play again, so we signed him up. He is on team England; apparently, White House Youth Soccer is going with a world cup theme. His first game was this past Saturday, and I am proud to say that England beat Brazil 8 to 3. Lofton really had a great time, and he seemed to actually understand the game. He did a great job, and he enjoyed playing as much as he did cheering on his team. Of course, he had a great time after the game when he saw his "friend" Macey- the one he has a crush on. She too is on team England, but she is in the 5 year old league, and Lofton is in the 6 year old league, but they looked so cute in their matching uniforms!


Samantha said...

You are now an official "soccer mom"!! He looks like he really enjoyed himself!

Unknown said...

Lofton looks so old. I can't believe our kids are so big.

Amy Griffin said...

yeah, he does look old in these pictures - really, where have the years gone???