Sunday, February 14, 2010

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Lofton says the sweetest prayers; I always love to hear what he'll say. He is always so sincere and thoughtful. Last night, he prayed that the baby will be healthy, and he prayed for me. He said, "Take care of momma when she has the baby and the doctors have to cut the baby out- or however they get babies out."

I knew what was coming next. As soon as he said, "Amen," he asked me how doctors get babies out. I luckily got away with telling him that sometimes they do cut babies out of the mommy's tummy. He was so interested in how the doctors get the tummys back together, that he didn't realize that I said sometimes. So, luckily I escaped this time. Do you think he will buy the stork story if it comes up again?


Joni said...

I just told Reesi the truth and she really didn't think it was that big of a deal. Our church is having a children and sex class for the parents and it is surprising what they tell you to tell them and how early!

Samantha said...

Good luck with that one!! Kids always seem to want to know how babies get here....

joyof3boys said...

I might be able to tell a girl, but I don't even know how to explain it to Lofton. He already thinks it is crazy that girls pee from their "butts." Any suggestions?

LB said...

I found your blog through Julie's that I just happened to check . . .Congrats about baby #3!! How exciting! Hope you are feeling good and are able to have peace. Take it easy!

Julie Spencer said...

There is a very modest but informational version of how babies get out in a Berrnstein Bears book...might be easier to read it rather than explain it on your own.