Sunday, September 1, 2013

Levi's 3

Levi at 3 you... adore your brothers! think you can do anything your big brothers do. are so funny! are like your momma; I see suttle traces of my OCD in you. love your friends Gabe, Logan, and Jayden. are potty trained!!! You finally got it the day or so before your birthday! loves Team Umizoomi and Scooby Doo. loves fruit snacks and chocolate milk. aren't as picky of an eaters as your brother's were. loves to go to church and sing your songs. loves to help me or dad do whatever it is we're doing. You just want in the middle of it. love to cuddle. loves to read books. loves to go fishing and play outside. loves to play with your toys esp Playdoh and the zoo animals. loves school; though that has taken some time, you truly enjoy it. are such a joy. We are truly blessed to be your parents. We love you!!!

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