Sunday, September 1, 2013

First Day of School

I've been offered a position at Goodpasture for the past three years. The past two it was for a part time position, but this year, I was offered a full time job teaching 10th grade English. After a lot of praying, I knew that this is where God wants me to be. I know it's the best move for the boys. Lofton was so excited; Landon wasn't thrilled though he wouldn't have been no matter where he went, and Levi of course wasn't prepared for how different his world would be. However, it's been three weeks, and I am thrilled to say that I've been on time every day; the boys love it- even Levi who didn't cry this past Friday, which was the first day without tears. We are all adjusting, and we are thrilled to be in a place where God is first!

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