Monday, August 20, 2012

Harry Potter, Eat Your Heart Out!

Harry Potter's got nothing on Lofton and his new glasses! Lofton looks super cute in his new pair though when we were picking them out he asked if they kinda looked like Harry's! We were recently told at Lofton's 8 year check up that he had failed his eye exam. I took him to an eye doctor in town, and he confirmed that Lofton has 20/20 vision in his right eye but 20/50 in his left. He also has an astigmatism. I was shocked. He'd never once given me any inclination that he couldn't see well. Though the doctor said that he has used his right eye; it's compensated for his left. After revealing all of Landon's eye issues to the doctor, he was surprised that we hadn't been recommended to take Lofton for an eye exam. If we'd have gotten glasses on him sooner, his vision may have improved with glasses. If only we'd known. I have to ask why is it not recommended that kids are taken for an eye exam every year especially when we were told that kids with Lofton's same problems slip through the cracks undeteced all the time since the one eye is stronger. We take our kids to the dentist twice a year and to the pediatrician for a yearly visit, why not the eye doctor? Anyways, enough of my pondering though this is my journal for my memories' sake. I will just say I am thrilled that we caught the problem, that he has new glasses that he loves, and that he looks pretty darn cute in them, don't ya think?

2 Years Old!

Levi at 2 you... - LOVE books. You will sit for ever just looking at books and letting us read to you. - like popsicles especially orange ones. - love to go for walks on the Greenway and throw rocks in the creek. -can't get enough of the fish at Chick Fil A; it's all you want to do when we go there is stand by the aquarium - also love the zoo. -love to be outside. Going to the park to feed the ducks is one of your favorite things to do along with chasing our neighbors' cats. -love your Bible class at church. It is so sweet to watch you want to get in your chair and pat the Bible. You sing along to all the songs and just love every minute of it. -ADORE your brothers. You try to do everything they do, and you follow them around. -are starting to repeat so much. You have so many new words, and you suprise me every day with all you know. -are a joy to us. You bring us so much happiness; you have completed our little family! We love you big boy!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Landon's 1st Day of PreK

Deciding whether or not to send Lofton to Kindergarten when he was 5 or 6 was a difficult decision but once I made it, it was the best decision. So, when it came time for Landon to start PreK, I just figured he'd have to start a t5 since he is an April baby. However, a friend has a son who is also an April baby and he started at 6, so when I realized I had a choice, it was an easy one this go around. So, Landon is going to kindergarten next year, and he started Pre-K this year. All summer, he told me that he wasn't going to school. He wasn't the slightest bit interested; therefore, I dreaded the day he'd start. He pleasantly surprised me when the night before his first day, he couldn't wait. He'd visited his class a day earlier and had seen the class hamster, and he was hooked. He took his hermit crab the first day, and he enjoyed every minute of school. I thought for sure he'd hate nap time since he hasn't napped since he last went to day care when he was 3. However, he told me he rested, and that it wasn't bad. :) He didn't want to leave when I picked him up after his first day, and he begged me to go back the next day though he isn't going 5 days a week. So, I couldn't be happier that he is happy!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Goin Golfin

Phillip took the boys golfing on Sunday afternoon. They were excited to go and both insisted on wearing visors just like Phillip.

1st Day of 2nd grade

Levi's 2nd haircut

So, Levi needed a haircut desperately. He once had his little duck tail cut off, and since then he has wanted nothing to do with sitting in the salon chair. However, it was getting out of control, so our friend Brooke who Levi knows and loves when she isn't at work with her scissors, but his hair while he was sitting in the waiting area. He did great, and at one point, he looked down at the ground, saw his hair, and grabbed the back of his neck. Hopefully, we won't have to wait another 2 years before his next cut. Before

Splishin and a Splashin

Nashville has a new splash park down by the riverfront. We checked it out our last week of summer break with our church play group. The kids had a blast.