Thursday, April 21, 2011

Landon is 4

Landon, at four you...
-don't like to pose for pictures. You make the funniest faces and scream "cheese" until I stop.
-are still our little Linus; you love your "blaneks"
-love Justin Beiber's song "Never Say Never." You say it is awesome, and you dance Kung Fu style to it.
-love to collect sticks. We find them everywhere- in the car, in the stroller, in the garage, and even in the house.
-like to do Kung Fu
-are afraid of people dressed as animals/things like Chuck E Cheese, but you surprised is this year when you stood by the Easter bunny and didn't shed a tear.
-love Luigi
-always say, "Is that right?"
-love video games (your DS and the Wii)
-like the show Jake and the Neverland Pirates
-will do about anything for chocolate (even attempt to eat veggies)
-love our Wednesday night Bible class, which makes mommy feel good since I am the teacher, but I think you like it cause we make snacks and play outside.
-are a great brother. You cry most mornings when Lofton leaves for school, but you entertain Levi throughout the day. Levi just sits and laughs at you.
-have a great memory. I tell stories each night and they're always to be continued. You never forget the next night to tell me what happened the night before.
-tell us you love us all the time and give the best kisses and hugs.
-are growing up way too quickly!!! We love you, Landy Pandy Bear!

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