Thursday, February 26, 2009

Preschool Winter Program

Lofton getting himself ready and trying to look "cool"

The Pre-K classes had their winter program tonight. When I picked Lofton up from school, he was really excited about the program. As we were getting ready, I told him that I still needed to comb his hair, and he said, "Let me do it; I want to look cool; you don't know how to make me look cool." Well, I proceeded to watch him attempt to stick his hair up; I guess it is time for a buzz/big boy cut, but I just can't give in. I love his "yellow" hair!

At the program, Lofton got to hold the Bible during the pledge to the Bible, and he sang his heart out. Afterwards, we got to look at some of his winter art work, and we got to eat the cookies that he had been longing for since I picked him up for school.

It was a fun night, and the kids did great. I must admit it was rather weird listening to songs about snowmen and winter wonderlands when it was about 65 degrees outside.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

What a sweet little man he is!