Monday, July 9, 2012

July 4th

We've been spending the 4th with the same group of friends for at least the past 6 years. Phillip and I used to host it and have our redneck water park in the front yard before the Griffins got a pool. And, if my computer hadn't crashed and made me lose 8 years worth of pics, I'd put some up here for memories' sake. :) So, for July 4th, 2012 we went to the Griffins to celebrate with our good friends. This is the 3rd year that Jonathan and Amy have also gotten a water slide. And Joni and Debbie both commented that the slide looked smaller, and though I think it might actually have been, I think it may be cause our kids have just gotten bigger. Once again, we had lots of fun and ate lots of food.

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