Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lofton Can Ride His Bike

Lofton started learning to ride his bike Wednesday afternoon at the Griffins. Ella let him use her bike, and she helped him ride in their yard. Then Thursday evening, he mastered riding it in our yard by himself. So, he told me to pick him up from school early on Friday so he could learn how to ride in the street before Mimi and Pop Pop got to our house. We came home Friday, and he rode in the yard a few times before deciding he was ready to hit the streets! He wouldn't let me walk behind him; he was confident that he could do it, and he did! Way to go, Lofton; we're proud of you.


Samantha said...

Good job, Lofton!! I know he is so excited and just in time for Summer. He can ride all day long!!

Unknown said...

Go Lofton! I have a feeling Reesi may be 10 before she works up the nerve to try it.

Amy Griffin said...

woo hoo! He is a pro.