Levi, at four years old you...
- love your chocolate milk and your TV time in the mornings.
- love fruit! Strawberries and watermelon are your favorite.
- are a better eater than your brothers ever were or still are!
-are not a morning person unless you have gotten up on your own accord.
- learned to swim this summer (at 3 years old).
- love to play outside in the sand box/on the trampoline. You love to ride your bike and you love to draw with sidewalk chalk.
- love your buddy Jayden. You want to play with him the minute we walk outside.
-are very independent. You want to do most everything by yourself.
-love the Ninja Turtles and Spider man.
-make your momma proud because you love Michael Jackson and can sing the words to several of his songs, can call him out when he comes on the radio within seconds, and you request to hear #10 "Beat It" at list once a week on the way to school. You also always want to hear "Two Bare Feet" as you call it aka "Summertime" by Kenny Chesney.
-love to watch Max and Ruby and Dino Dan.
-hate for me to brush your hair and you especially hate if I wet it to get it to lay down.
- love to go to church and to your Bible class.
-love your brothers.
- are such a joy. We love you very much! You are such a special little boy who brings us so much happiness. We are so proud of you. Happy Birthday, little man!