Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mother’s Day

Being a mother is something I wanted since I was taking my baby dolls to church and the grocery store. I have always loved babies, and I loved baby sitting and playing with kids. So having three fabulous boys was a dream come true. They are so special and make life worth living. I have my faults as a mother, so I hope that they will just always remember and know that I loved them dearly and did everything I could for them. I have done my best, and I know that I have done a pretty good job because they are a product of my greatest job. They are good boys. I could not ask for better boys. Everyone and I mean everyone tells us how great they are all the time. Someone once said the greatest contribution you may make for God's kingdom are your children. I am confident that they are my greatest contribution. They are amazing young Christian men. I know they will make this world a better place. 


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