Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sweet Summertime


Mother’s Day

Being a mother is something I wanted since I was taking my baby dolls to church and the grocery store. I have always loved babies, and I loved baby sitting and playing with kids. So having three fabulous boys was a dream come true. They are so special and make life worth living. I have my faults as a mother, so I hope that they will just always remember and know that I loved them dearly and did everything I could for them. I have done my best, and I know that I have done a pretty good job because they are a product of my greatest job. They are good boys. I could not ask for better boys. Everyone and I mean everyone tells us how great they are all the time. Someone once said the greatest contribution you may make for God's kingdom are your children. I am confident that they are my greatest contribution. They are amazing young Christian men. I know they will make this world a better place. 


Fun with Friends

I just wanted to document a few fun days we had this spring with our people. We went to Jude's baseball district game. Van came to visit, so I got to go to dinner with her and Becky and Mallory. Landon goes to trivia every Thursday, and one night they celebrated Rylan Moses's birthday. Levi had a fun sleepover at Sawyer's.


Awards Day

Landon received the best awards this year at award's day: a faculty award and top 10 percent. The faculty award means so much as faculty chooses that one. It is not easy to be in the top 10 percent either as we have many smart kids at Goodpasture. 



As a high school teacher, we always get invited to many parties. This year we made it to a bunch of them, but we have our favorite grads. Jude graduated this year. We also made it to Caroline's even though I had lost my invite and only made it because Landon reminded me since she and him got closer in Jamaica and she messaged him. We also went to Mallory's and Reagan Rose's party, but I didn't get pics there. Other parties I made it to this year are Rylee Carter, Henry Cottrell, Grace Fortner, Kayden Stryker. Graduation is an exciting time. It is hard to be sad when the future is so bright. 



As a teacher at Goodpasture, I am given the opportunity to chaperone the boys trips for free, so it is hard to turn down. Though I knew that this trip would be me hanging out with moms and not Levi, I still know I would possibly bump into him and get a pic or two. I debated not going again because of research papers, and I would say I am so glad I went, but it rained and was freezing. ;) I did have fun with the moms watching shows and eating cinnamon bread. I rode a few coasters and did get to snag a few pics. 


Weekend at Harding

 The fall keeps us busy with football and cross country. The winter brought basketball and wrestling. We just stayed so busy and getting to Arkansas to see Lofton proved to be harder than we thought it would. So, we had a Friday off in April, so we took advantage of it, and Levi and I drove to see Lofton. I hesitated because I had just received research papers, but I am so glad that I put family first as I should. We enjoyed seeing Lofton in his element happy and thriving. God is good. I know God has him and is directing his paths. We could not be happier for him or prouder of him.  

8th grade Barn Bash

Levi did not really want to attend his 7th grade banquet, but I encouraged him because I know these days will be over for him and for me before we know it. I think he is glad he went. He had fun, and he looked great. We got him some boots, and he sure looked handsome.